Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chicken, avocado & lactose free cheese dish

This dish only uses 3 main ingredients! It is super easy and very tasty, a perfect dish to serve to the whole family or you can make it a single serving too!

Chicken, avocado & lactose free cheese dish recipe:
Ingredients (serves 4)
  • 4 thawed out boneless chicken breasts
  • Mrs.Dash Chicken Salt-Free Grilling Blend 
  • Little bit of Salt (optional)
  • 1 large avocado
  • 3/4-1 cup of lactose free cheddar flavored shreds (I used Go Veggie! brand)
  1. Season both sides of your raw chicken breasts with the Mrs.Dash Grilling blend, a pinch of salt & place on hot grill. Leave chicken breasts on grill, keeping your eye on them and turning occasionally until they are fully cooked (about 15-20 minutes) Set your chicken aside to cool for a little bit. 
  2. While your chicken is cooling, cut your avocado in half, remove its pit and then cut the 2 halves in half, you will now have 4 pieces of avocado. Remove the skin from these 4 pieces and slice each of the sections up into even pieces. 
  3. Slice one of your chicken breast into 3/4 inch sections, now place your avocado slices between each slice of chicken. Keep the avocado slices and chicken slices close together so it still resembles its chicken breast shape. Repeat with the remaining chicken breast. 
  4. Top each layered chicken and avocado plate with about a 1/4 cup of cheddar flavor shreds and place in microwave for 20 seconds just to melt the cheddar shreds a little bit.
  5. Serve & Enjoy!

This dish can be made into a single serving by grilling only one chicken breast and using 1/4 of the avocado and 1/4 cup of cheddar shreds. I sometimes grill 4 chicken breasts at one time and place them in my fridge after I grill them to eat later on in the week; doing this and heating up my previously grilled chicken works out perfect for this dish! 
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Green Kale Smoothie Recipe

I'm fairly new to eating gluten free and have realized eating gluten free isn't cheap! Therefore I choose to eat more natural foods instead of finding foods with gluten substitutes, it seems to be less expensive and healthier! I have recently been making kale smoothies for breakfast and have finally came up with a recipe I love, there are so many advantages to eating kale, and drinking it for breakfast is a great way to start the day!

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe: 

Ingredients (serves 1):
  • 3/4 cup Almond Milk
  • 1 or 1 & 1/2 cup fresh kale leaves (remove from stem)
  • 1 frozen sliced banana (I peel the banana and wrap it in saran wrap, when I'm ready to make my smoothie I remove it from saran wrap, chop & place in blender)
  • One spoon full of natural peanut butter
  • A few drops of natural honey
Blend all of these ingredients together, pour into a glass and enjoy! 
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