Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe

I'm fairly new to eating gluten free and have realized eating gluten free isn't cheap! Therefore I choose to eat more natural foods instead of finding foods with gluten substitutes, it seems to be less expensive and healthier! I have recently been making kale smoothies for breakfast and have finally came up with a recipe I love, there are so many advantages to eating kale, and drinking it for breakfast is a great way to start the day!

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe: 

Ingredients (serves 1):
  • 3/4 cup Almond Milk
  • 1 or 1 & 1/2 cup fresh kale leaves (remove from stem)
  • 1 frozen sliced banana (I peel the banana and wrap it in saran wrap, when I'm ready to make my smoothie I remove it from saran wrap, chop & place in blender)
  • One spoon full of natural peanut butter
  • A few drops of natural honey
Blend all of these ingredients together, pour into a glass and enjoy! 


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