Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Friday, October 4, 2013

DIY Halloween Banner

Last year my roommates and I had a pumpkin carving party. Out guests brought their own pumpkins and we provided all carving supplies, along with yummy treats and fall cocktails! It was a ton of fun and we decided to make it an annual event! The other day I was browsing hobby lobby and came across this plain brown paper mâché banner that said "Halloween" as soon as I saw it, I thought it would look great hovering above our appetizer/cocktail table at the pumpkin carving party, but I needed to jazz it up a I did exactly that! Read below to see how I made my plain banner festive and fun!

Follow the blog to watch my pumpkin carving party come together, so that you too can have your very own pumpkin carving party for friends and family!

•Paper mâché banner from hobby lobby
•Light orange acrylic paint
•Extra fine copper colored glitter
•Mod Podge
•Small paint brush
•Medium paint brush
•Paper plate

Step 1: Layout the banner across a covered surface, I covered mine with an unfolded paper grocery bag. 

Step 2: Squeeze a decent amount of your orange paint onto the paper plate, Using your medium paint brush, paint even strokes covering each of the letters, avoid painting the string that attaches the letters together. Paint as many coats as you find necessary (I did 3 coats per letter) After you complete your coats rinse your paint brush, ridding all of the paint from the bristles. 

Step 3: After the paint has completely dried on your letters (about 30 minutes) Use the small paint brush, dip it into the jar of mod Podge and paint the edges of your first letter. It's okay if it doesn't look perfectly straight! That's the point! After you finish painting the edges of your first letter, generously sprinkle the extra fine glitter where you painted the mod Podge, ensuring you don't miss any spots. Repeat this process with every letter.

Step 4: After you have finished completing step 3 on every letter, carefully pick up your banner and sprinkle all of the loose glitter off of it. Once all your loose glitter has came off, use your medium brush to paint a layer of mod Podge over each letter, sealing in all of the glitter. Let it dry for 4 hours or until mod Podge layer has dried clear.

Once your letters have dried, your banner is now ready to hang and beautifully display! 


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