Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Are you Counting your Calories?

Do you count your daily calorie intake? It's easy to forget counting calories when it comes to eating your fruits and vegetables, but it's important to do! Whether you're eating fruit for breakfast or enjoying it as a mid-day snack, it's important to know how many calories you are intaking. I love blending fruits and vegetables to make delicious smoothies for breakfast or lunch, but after doing some research I learned that I should be substituting some of the fruits I currently use in my smoothies for some lower calorie fruits. I created this list of the amount of calories fruits and keep it on my phone for reference when I'm grocery shopping that way I always know what low-cal fruits I need to purchase! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful too! Note; the list is organized in descending order of calories.

(Source used to find the information used to create this list: FDA

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