Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gluten Free Baker's German Chocolate Cake Recipe

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and no birthday is complete without the cake! Growing up as a kid, my Grandmother used to make my Dad his favorite German Chocolate cake for his birthday every year. My Grandma lives across the country, so I unfortunately don't see her too often but I remember when I was in high school she visited us and she made him his favorite German chocolate cake. At that age I was always interested to see what was going on in the kitchen, but I had no desire to bake or cook; I remember always wondering why my Grandma didn't make him a boxed cake mix because a boxed cake mix would be so much easier to prepare than this homemade cake. I watched her in the kitchen spend lots of time making this cake and remember thinking "goodness, preparing this cake takes a lot of time!" Now that I have grown to love cooking and baking in the kitchen, I decided to make my Dad his favorite birthday cake that he grew up having every year. I wanted to enjoy this cake as well, so I had to make it gluten free. I changed the recipe a bit but made it gluten free. I was nervous the cake wouldn't turn out as amazing and delicious as my Grandma's was but much to my surprise it was delicious! In the past I've felt that when I bake with gluten free flour my baked goods turn out to be very dense and their not as moist as normal baked goods with gluten are, but this cake was perfect!

      My Grandma used the recipe inside the Baker's Sweet German Chocolate bar box, but the recipe inside the box is now tailored to bake cupcakes. After researching, I found the recipe on Kraft and it makes a 3 layer German chocolate cake. My Grandma makes her German Chocolate Cake in a 13 x 9 dish with frosting on top. I decided to make my dads as a 2 layer and this was the perfect amount. I used two 8 inch pans. You don't want to frost the sides because the cake is super rich as it is already with the frosting between the layers! This gluten free cake hits the spot, it's nice and light but delicious and sweet! Hope you enjoy this recipe!

Gluten Free Baker's German Chocolate Cake Recipe:
  • 1 package (4 oz.) Baker's sweet german chocolate
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 2 cups Red Mill's All Purpose gluten free baking flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 cup salted butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 cup buttermilk

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Step 1: Cover bottoms of your 8/9 inch pans with wax paper and grease sides of pans. Microwave chocolate with 1/2 cup water in bowl 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until chocolate is completely melted, stir after they have microwaved for 1 minute and stir until chocolate is completely melted.

Step 2: Beat 4 egg whites in bowl with mixer on high until stiff peaks form, set aside. In a separate bowl mix 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking soda and 1/4 tsp. salt. In another separate large bowl beat your 1 cup softened butter with 2 cups sugar until mixture is light and fluffy. Add your 4 egg yolks, 1 at a time, beating well after each. Blend in melted chocolate and vanilla. Slowly add your flour mixture alternately with buttermilk, beating until well blended after each addition.

Step 3: Add egg whites, stirring gently until well blended. Pour into prepared pans. You may have some batter left over.

Step 4: Bake for 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Immediately run small spatula around cakes in pans. Let cakes cool in their pans for 20 minutes, remove and let them cool on wire rack or wax paper on flat surface
Coconut Pecan Frosting Recipe:
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 can evaporated milk (12 oz.)
  • 1&1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1&1/2 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup margarine
  • 3 cups coconut flakes
  • 1&1/2 cups chopped pecans
Step 1: Beat 4 egg yolks, evaporated milk and vanilla in large sauce pan with fork or whisk until well blended. Add 1&1/2 cups sugar and 3/4 cup margarine; stirring constantly, cook on medium heat for 10-12 minutes until mixture is thickened and golden brown color. Remove from heat
Step 2: Add 3 cups coconut and 1&1/2 cups pecans, mix well. Let your frosting sit and cool until it reaches desired thickness/consistency.
Frost top of one of your cakes with frosting, spreading the frosting with a thick layer. Place other cake on top and frost the top of it. Serve and Enjoy!


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