Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Friday, September 20, 2013

DIY Smoothie In a Bag!

Have you ever been in a rush out the door one morning and don't have time to grab breakfast or whip up a delicious fresh smoothie? I know when I have been in a time crunch, I'm focused on making sure my outfits perfect and my hair and makeup are finished rather than worrying about eating. But Breakfast is the most important meal of the day & gives you the nutrients you need to be alert for the rest of the day! So instead of wasting your time in the morning cutting your fruits & vegetables and picking out what ingredients you want to put in your smoothie, I made these smoothie bags! Haven't you ever seen the smoothie bags in the frozen section of your grocery store by yoplait yogurt or Jamba Juice?...These smoothie bags are kind of like those but you get to choose what ingredients you want in your smoothie!  I put these smoothie bags in the freezer which helps keep my ingredients fresh and makes my shakes nice & cold! They're super easy to make and save so much time when you're on the go, just throw one of your bags in a blender, blend it up, pour into a glass and enjoy! 

Here's what you need: 
•Fresh fruit
•Fresh Vegetables
•Large ziplock bags
•Permanent marker

After you take a trip to the market and load up on vegetables and fruits, chop up your fruits and vegetables that you want to make smoothies with. Come up with a few different smoothies you want to make & put the ingredients for one serving in each of the ziplock bags. For example in one bag I put 1 cup spinach in a bag, 2 skinned and sliced kiwi & a 1/2 cup mandarin oranges in one. With the permanent marker I wrote what ingredients were in my bag and also wrote "ADD:" listing what liquid I wanted to add to my smoothie bag when I'm ready to blend it (my liquid was coconut water) Be sure to write the date on your bag too so you don't blend up old fruits! [Yucky!] I hope these smoothie bags help give you a yummy & quick breakfast when you're in a rush! 


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