Gluten Free Recipes and DIY ideas fashioned by a Brunette.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back to School Organization

This past week was my first week of the new Fall semester, I always enjoyed shopping for new school supplies every year and not going to lie...I still do! But as I've gotten older, the supplies I buy and the things I do to prepare for the new school year definitely have changed, instead of Lisa Frank folders I buy boring, solid colored folders etc. One thing that hasn't changed though is my love for school planners and organization!

 I recently purchased an academic agenda from May Designs and I absolutely love it! It was only $23 and they have so many colors/designs you can choose from to design the outside of your planner, and they also let you customize the font and info you want on the outside, from greek letters to monograms. I chose to put my name on the outside of mine :)

Another thing I did to get organized for the school year is make this super cute and inexpensive Bulletin board to hang over my desk to keep important info on! I have a very simple taste when it comes to decorating and hate how tacky bulletin boards can look, so I wanted to create one that looked like it belonged in my room so I made it the colors of my room-black and white. You can make yours look like it belongs in your room by the matching color of spray paint and ribbon to the colors of your room!

Ribbon Bulletin Board DIY: 

Supplies needed:

  • Bulletin Board  (I used to 16x20)
  • One can of spray paint (you may need more if you buy a bigger board)
  • One spool of wired ribbon 
  • Glue gun 
  • Newspaper or a large trash bag

How to:
  1. Outside on a flat surface layout your newspaper or large trash bag, placing the bulletin board on top.
  2. Shake your spray paint and spray paint the bulletin board, spraying the board evenly and standing 1-1.5 feet away from the board. Be sure to spray the outside edges of the board after you're done spraying the surface. Let this dry outside for 2-3 hours.
  3. Once your bulletin board has dried, bring it inside and lay it on a flat surface that is near an electrical outlet. Plug in your glue gun. While your glue gun heats up, cut one long piece of ribbon (3 feet) with an angled edge, cut a smaller piece of ribbon (1 foot) and a really tiny piece (2 inches) Take your longest piece and lay it on the corner of your board. If you want your board to display vertically [like mine] then place 1 foot of the ribbon on the top, letting 2 feet of it hang down the left side. If you want your bulletin board to display horizontally, place 2 feet of the ribbon on the top, and let 1 foot hang down the left side. 
  4. Once your glue gun is heated up, glue the long piece of ribbon to the corner border of your board. Now gently twist the ribbon piece at the top of your board to make it look like the ribbon is curled, and gently twist the ribbon piece that's on the side of your board to have the same look too. Looking at the ribbon on the top of your board find one spot where the curl is touching the border of your board and glue the ribbon down; now looking at the ribbon on the side of your board find one spot where the curl is touching the border of your board and glue the ribbon down. Depending on what side has the longest piece of ribbon, you may have to glue the ribbon down in two spots. 
  5. Now take the one foot piece of ribbon and lay it down, fold it into three sections, where the middle section is the largest(6 inches) and the two side sections(3 inches each) fold into the middle section meeting in the middle. Now glue down the two side sections in the middle of the ribbon. Take your small 2 inch piece of ribbon that you cut earlier and wrap it around the middle of the 1-foot piece you just glued and glue the edges you have your bow! 
  6. Take your bow and glue it to the corner or your 3 foot long piece of curly ribbon that's on the border of your bulletin board. Voila! Your bulletin board is complete! Now hang your bulletin board and place everything you want on it! I created a calendar that's on mine and placed a few pictures, and invitations so I don't forget the important stuff! 
I already had a glue gun and trash bag, but bought the rest of my supplies at Walmart and the cost of my bulletin board ended up being only $10.91! [Board=$6.97, spray paint=$.97, ribbon=$2.97]

Download the printable Calendar I made for my bulletin board!


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